How to Wire Manage a Standing Desk

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:13 PM
How to Wire Manage a Standing Desk

Many people have wires around their desk, and sometimes, you want to know how to wire manage a standing desk. These cords sometimes seem to multiply as they loop around different items. However, wire management helps clean up the best standing desks.


  • To manage the many wires around your desk, you may choose to use a horizontal solution like a cable management box or cable management tray.
  • If you want an inexpensive option for wire management, consider using velcro, cable ties, or zip ties to secure your cables to your electric standing desk.
  • You may choose to use a mounted power strip to hide your cords under your adjustable standing desk, and some of these products even have holes on the end for you to do so.

You could feel overwhelmed by all the wires required for a standing desk, computer, computer monitor, and phone. If this feeling is familiar to you, you may want to try a wire management solution such as velcro, zip ties, mounted power strip, cable tray, cable chain, cable sleeves, or wire box. While you revamp your space, you should consider how to set up a standing desk for ergonomics.

Managing Wires at a Standing Desk

Many users feel that their desks look messy with wires lying everywhere, and they prefer to use a wire management system. Wire management can gather your cords in one place and easily stow them under your desk or along the side. If you have used your standing desk a lot, you may want to know how to repair a standing desk motor.

Insider Tip

Zip ties and velcro may help tidy up your workspace and floor in the home or office.

As a result, both horizontal and vertical solutions exist. When you use a vertical solution, you may end up with cords visible on the desk and floor. Meanwhile, a horizontal product leaves your wires hanging under your desk separately. If you combine multiple types of wire management, you could eliminate as many of these visible wires as possible. Be careful when using a height-adjustable design desk, and put the power cables where they won’t get in the way.

Method 1: Power Strip

Some power strips feature holes on the ends for screws, perfect for mounting under a desk. These power strips typically include multiple outlets for your devices, but they may not contain a power surge protector. In addition, some provide both alternating current (AC) and USB slots, while others have only AC.

  • Time to Complete: 5 minutes
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Tools Needed:
    • Electric drill (optional)
    • Screwdriver
    • Screws
    • Power Strip
  • Steps: 3


Drill holes into the bottom of the desk. If you use a drill, be careful not to drill through the top of your desk.


Attach the power strip to the bottom of the desk using the screws.


Plug your wires into their sockets and enjoy your clean table. Make sure your power cables won’t block your height adjustable desk’s position changes.

Method 2: Gathering Cords

Some professionals know a couple of zip ties or a velcro strip can tidy up any workspace. However, these products typically work best for a small number of cords or a bunch of thin wires. If you have a lot of thick cables, the zip ties might not fit, or the velcro strip won’t hold.

  • Time to Complete: 5 minutes
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Tools Needed:
    • Zip ties, velcro strips, or cable ties
    • Scissors if using velcro strips
    • Cords
    • Bottom of standing desk
  • Steps: 3


Gather your wires.


Wrap the bundle of wires in velcro or zip ties.


Attach the wrapped cords to the leg of the desk. Make sure to leave the adjustable part of the desk open.

Method 3: Wire Tray or Box

When you want a horizontal solution, you’re likely to find a designated wire tray or wire box ideal. Both of these options come in smaller and larger sizes. A large cable management tray or box may span the width of your desk, allowing you to put many cords inside if the tray or box is deep enough.

  • Time to Complete: 5 minutes
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Tools Needed:
    • Wire tray or wire box
    • Screwdriver
    • Screws
    • Wires
  • Steps: 3


Grab your cables all at once or one by one.


Attach to the top or edge of the desk using a screwdriver If you choose a tray.


Add power strips to the new wire management system, as well as the wires for your electronics.


If you have a lot of cables, you will need a larger cable management solution like a wire box or wire tray.


What happens without using cable management?

Your cables may become damaged quickly, and your workstation may feel messy.

Should I mount the surge protector?

Some surge protectors can be mounted on the wall, but you should check your manufacturer’s website for information about your model. Mounting a surge protector may help to clean up some of the cables on the floor.

How much wire management do I need?

Think about how many cords you have. If you have a couple, you may only need a zip tie, velcro, or small tray or box solution. But, on the other hand, you may have many, which would require a more extensive cable management system.

STAT: A neat and tidy workspace will help you focus and increase your productivity. (source)

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