How To Fix A Hoverboard

Lawrence Bonk Avatar

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Updated Jun 27, 2022 11:11 PM

Hoverboards, otherwise known as self-balancing scooters, are a fantastic way for kids and adults to experience the open road via a new method of personal transportation. These scooters can be relatively inexpensive and a whole lot of fun. They can, however, run into a myriad of issues during use, each of which necessitating some general maintenance and repair. Here is a list of common issues and tips on how to fix a hoverboard.

Diagnose the Hoverboard’s Problem

The first thing you need to do is try to figure out exactly what is going on. Is your hoverboard simply not powering on? Is it not holding a charge? Below is a list of common ailments that tend to inflict hoverboard products, particularly after you have been regularly using the product at or near top speeds. We have also included tips for quick-fixes. It’s also important to learn strategies for safeguarding your hoverboard so you can avoid the more costly repairs.

Hoverboard Features to Check

Faulty Hoverboard Batteries

The number one issue that arises with hoverboards is that of a faulty battery. Batteries die, this is just a fact of life. Modern lithium-ion battery packs are designed to last for between one to two years. After that, it will begin degrading. The first sign that you may need a new battery is that the battery life will significantly decrease. Another sign is the dreaded beeping red light. Eventually, the battery will not hold a charge at all. Do not fret, however, most hoverboards are designed so that the battery is easily accessible and easily replaceable, though results may vary. You’ll also want to check your hoverboard’s bluetooth in case you need to repair the bluetooth on your hoverboard.

Broken Charging Ports

Sometimes a hoverboard’s battery cannot receive a charge due to the charging port being damaged. If this is the case, you can usually tell this is the case when the charging light does not go on when it is plugged into a power source. There are many vendors online that sell charging ports and the repair itself typically requires just a screwdriver and a glue gun, so it is easy to learn to repair your hoverboard charger.

Malfunctioning Sensor

Hoverboards use gyroscopes and other balance-based sensors in order to allow for precise control during use. These sensors and gyroscopes can become damaged or misaligned over time. Replacing the gyroscope is a complex procedure and may require the use of a professional.

Wet Hoverboards

If you find yourself riding in the mud or through deep puddles, your hoverboard’s internal circuitry could become wet, causing damage to the motherboard. If the hoverboard has powered down after coming into contact with water, immediately power it down, remove the motherboard, and remove the battery. Clean all components with a soft, dry cloth and then let everything dry overnight. If it works, hooray. If it doesn’t work, you may need to shop online for replacement parts.

Loose Cables

Cables can become loose over time as you ride and enjoy your hoverboard. Do not fret, however, as the fix is relatively simple. Take a screwdriver and remove the external casing, then go around and tighten any loose cable you encounter.

Wheels and Motor Issues

Most hoverboards are designed so the motors rest in each wheel, which allows for sufficient and stable acceleration. Wheels can become chipped and damage, however, if you regularly use your hoverboard for off-road pursuits. Additionally, the motor itself can degrade over time. Wheel and motor replacements can be on the complicated side, due to their entangled nature. If it’s cosmetic, you can cover scratches on your hoverboard relatively easily.

Check The Hoverboard’s Indicator (Red) Lights

Self-diagnosis is not the only way to tell what is going wrong with your hoverboard. Most makes and models of boards come equipped with LED lights that blink according to a number of common issues and malfunctions.

One Light Flashing

If the red light is flashing once, repeatedly, it is typically an indication that you have loose wiring somewhere within the internal circuitry. This is a relatively simple fix. Just unscrew the external casing and take great care to use the same screwdriver to tighten all of the loose cables. If you cannot find the loose cable, disconnect and reconnect all of the internal cables. If you’re having issues with bluetooth connectivity, you’ll also want to learn how to fix

Blinking Two or Three Times

If the red light of your hoverboard is blinking in a pattern consisting of two or three consecutive blinks, that may indicate a serious issue. You may need to replace the product’s circuit board. There are many circuit board replacement kits available for purchase, though professional maintenance may be required.

Blinking Four or Five Times

If the red light is blinking four or five times in a consecutive pattern, this typically indicates a motor malfunction of some kind. This usually calls for a full motor replacement. While replacement motors are easily obtained online, the installation procedure can be difficult. We would recommend finding a guide relevant to your particular hoverboard make and model before attempting an installation.

Blinking Six Times

Often, users will encounter lights that blink six times in a repeating pattern. This is indicative of a faulty battery. Fortunately, this is a relatively easy procedure, as all lithium batteries degrade and become inoperative over time.

Blinking Seven or Eight Times

The final pattern hoverboard owners are likely to run into is a light that blinks seven or eight times in a row. This means the gyroscope or related sensors have run into an issue. This diagnosis can be confirmed by riding the board and taking a good look at how it reacts to your subtle body movements.

Wet Hoverboards

If you find yourself riding in the mud or through deep puddles, your hoverboard’s internal circuitry could become wet, causing damage to the motherboard. If the hoverboard has powered down after coming into contact with water, immediately power it down, remove the motherboard, and remove the battery. Clean all components with a soft, dry cloth and then let everything dry overnight. If it works, hooray. If it doesn’t work, you may need to shop online for replacement parts.

How to Fix a Hoverboard FAQ

What is a hoverboard reset and how can it help?

Some hoverboards allow for a full reset, which can help recalibrate the gyroscopes. The process to achieve this full reset varies from make to model.

What do the red lights indicate?

The flashing red lights indicate a number of common hoverboard malfunctions, including faulty batteries, broken motors, and more.

Why is my hoverboard beeping and not moving?

Hoverboards contain a number of sensitive sensors. If these sensors detect that the board itself is placed on an incline above 15 degrees, the board will beep and disallow motor function. Just move it to a smooth, flat surface.

Why is my hoverboard dying so fast?

This is almost always a case of a quickly degrading battery. It may be time to purchase a new battery and undergo the replacement procedure.

Why is my hoverboard shaking?

If your hoverboard is shaking, instead of moving as desired, it is likely due to a communication problem between one of the sensors and one of the motors.


Hoverboards are a great way to travel with style, though many makes and models can run into a host of maintenance and repair issues. With a little investigation, you can diagnosis the problem yourself.

  • First check forThese include faulty batteries. Does it power on? Is the battery in place or look damaged?
  • Next, check the port of the hoverboard. Is there any debris blocking the port? If you can’t properly plugin your hoverboard, it clearly won’t charge and your fix might be easy. ,
  • After that, look for loose cables, chipped wheels, circuit and sensor malfunctions. You might also have a , motor issue, though the next step could help identify that.s, blinking lights, and more.

Next check for blinking lights. Usually a problem is indicated by a blinking red light. The number of times it blinks will be an indicator of the problem at hand. The response to each issue varies, but hoverboards are not the most complicated pieces of technology out there and help is available. Some of these problems can easily be repaired by the hoverboard’s owner, while others may necessitate a visit to a repair shop. There are also many resource guides available to help fix common and uncommon repair issues relevant to hoverboards.

How To Fix A Hoverboard FAQ

What is a hoverboard reset and how can it help?

Some hoverboards allow for a full reset, which can help recalibrate the gyroscopes. The process to achieve this full reset varies from make to model.

What do the red lights indicate?

The flashing red lights indicate a number of common hoverboard malfunctions, including faulty batteries, broken motors, and more.

Why is my hoverboard beeping and not moving?

Hoverboards contain a number of sensitive sensors. If these sensors detect that the board itself is placed on an incline above 15 degrees, the board will beep and disallow motor function. Just move it to a smooth, flat surface.

Why is my hoverboard dying so fast?

This is almost always a case of a quickly degrading battery. It may be time to purchase a new battery and undergo the replacement procedure.

Why is my hoverboard shaking?

If your hoverboard is shaking, instead of moving as desired, it is likely due to a communication problem between one of the sensors and one of the motors.

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