Standing vs Kneeling Desk

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:13 PM
Standing vs Kneeling Desk

As sitting becomes a less popular working position, the market continues generating options for searching for the best standing desk. But before you choose to stand, give a brief thought to the benefits of a standing vs kneeling desk.


  • Kneeling chairs are a modern ergonomic solution that promotes proper posture and helps users activate core muscles throughout the workday.
  • Standing desks are great options for losing weight and lowering blood sugar.
  • Those attempting to reduce a sedentary lifestyle should consider both kneeling chairs and standing desks.

Keep reading to learn what these two pieces of office furniture bring to the table as ergonomic alternatives to a normal office chair. And for another fascinating tidbit on what’s out there in the world of desks and work chairs, you can read our resource on standing desks vs stability balls.

Differences Between a Kneeling Chair vs Standing Desk

With many now eschewing the traditional office chair, various forms of ergonomic chairs and methods have sprung up to take their place. Kneeling chairs are a new option that claims to reduce poor posture and joint pressure while promoting better blood circulation, overall health, and strengthening core muscles.

Insider Tip

Make sure that your kneeling desk comes with good knee pads. Knee pain is a common complaint in kneeling chair reviews.

On the other hand, standing desk manufacturers continuously claim that their equipment helps users burn calories, raise metabolisms, and promote good posture. If you want to know more about other standing desk alternatives, we have a great resource comparing standing desks vs walking desks.

Below, however, we’ll sort out the differences and help you come closer to knowing which is best for your office.

Position Versatility

One considerable drawback to kneeling chairs is that there isn’t much room to switch positions. In addition, kneeling chairs restrict hip mobility and provide less space for changing positions than a regular chair.

In contrast, standing desks allow users to alternate between sitting and standing, which reduces stress and joint tension.

Overall Health Benefits

While sitting ranks at the bottom for health, standing can also make it hard to maintain good posture. A kneeling desk chair is excellent for solidifying good posture. It creates a hip angle that allows about half of the bodyweight to support the knees.

Where kneeling desks are primarily concerned with proper posture, standing desks help burn calories, reduce back pain, increase weight loss, and allow users to lower blood sugar levels.


Kneeling chairs come in a range of qualities and prices. On the lower end, you can find them for close to $50, but if you want one of higher quality, be prepared to spend several hundred dollars.

Standing desks are similar in price, but many warn against buying a cheap standing desk. They are often unstable and have poor adjustability.


Prolonged periods of kneeling can restrict the movement of leg muscles and lead to poor blood circulation.


Which is better, kneeling or sitting?

Most health experts will say that kneeling is healthier than sitting unless you have knee or hip issues.

Is it ok to use a standing desk all day?

It’s always recommended that standing desks alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day.

What are some alternatives to a kneeling chair?

There are many options — such as saddle chairs, balance boards, stress balls, squatting desks, and walking desks — that are ergonomic alternatives to kneeling chairs.

STAT: According to research found through Harvard Medical School, around 40% of all people will battle with sciatica at some point in their life. (source)

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