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How to Use a Garden Hose Pool Vacuum

Beth Huston Avatar

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Updated Jun 27, 2022 11:13 PM

Knowing how to use a garden hose pool vacuum makes manual vacuuming so much easier for you. These are easy systems to use and will help you go the extra mile in pool maintenance, especially if you have the correct amps for the vacuum to work properly. Maintaining a healthy pool is crucial to ensuring the longevity of your investment. And if that investment is a top-tier vacuum cleaner, you have even more incentive to keep it in good condition.


  • There are two methods for obtaining a garden hose vacuum: creating your own or buying one that’s pre-manufactured. This is the same as manually washing your carpet or using a steam vacuum cleaner.
  • If you are creating a homemade pool vacuum, any regular garden hose can be used for your project.
  • Cleaning thoroughly means more than just putting your hose into a pool and sucking up debris, so make sure you invest in other pool cleaning supplies.

How to Use A Garden Hose Pool Vacuum

Learning how to use a garden hose pool vacuum will give you the ability to clean any pool in need. The same way learning how to unclog a vacuum hose helps you keep the inside of your home clean. Whether it’s an inflatable pool, inground pool, or any of the larger pools out there, you’re ready to take on the challenge. Every pool vacuum will work differently, so keep the directions or instructional manual close at hand.

Choosing Your Pool Vacuum

There are two different routes you can go when it comes to picking the best option for your pool and lifestyle. You can create your own pool vacuum, or you can purchase one that’s already been made. Either option is fine. But in addition, you should also learn how to do some minor repairs. Similar to learning how to fix a robot vacuum or any other type.

Create Your Own Pool Vacuum

Using some in-depth directions, it’s easy to create your own homemade pool vacuum using a standard garden hose. While this is a lengthy process, it’s also one that can save you money and help you out in a pinch. If your pool needs to be cleaned and your regular vacuum has sputtered out, this option can get you out of a tight spot.

Buy a Garden Hose Pool Vacuum

On the other hand, buying an already manufactured garden hose pool vacuum can be an easier option. There are some vacuum units created that are made to work with a garden hose. You can find them at any major pool supplier whether online or offline. Make sure that you look into what kinds of pools the vacuum is most suitable for, however. Larger pools will always require a little more intensive maintenance.

STEP 1 Put Together Your Vacuum

Once you’ve either bought or created your pool vacuum from scratch, you’ll want to get it put together. This will obviously be easier if you’ve decided to purchase a pre-manufactured unit.

STEP 2 Read All Instructions Thoroughly

Make sure that you’ve read all instructions which were provided thoroughly before using your vacuum. While most units will work in a similar way, there might be some key differences you could miss if you try and skip this step. Your owner’s manual is crucial to keeping clean water in your pool.

STEP 3 Place the Vacuum in Your Pool

Once you have a handle on how it works, place your skimmer in the pool. You’ll want to use slow, back-and-forth movements along the pool floor. This helps disrupt any debris that may have settled and accumulated.


Which is better? Manual or automatic pool cleaners?

There is no “best option” in this line-up. All three types of pool cleaners have a function they fulfill. While an automatic pool cleaner can be convenient, you’ll still need to perform manual pool vacuuming from time to time. This includes using a pool skimmer.

How to clean your pool with a sand filter?

A sand filter only works on the setting specified on its packaging. Make sure that it’s installed correctly and read the directions carefully.

How to Make A Pool Vacuum Using A Garden Hose?

Whether it’s a fun project or something you put together in a pinch, making a pool vacuum from a garden hose isn’t too difficult. There are just a few supplies you need and a lot of determination.

How to Set Up a Manual Pool Vacuum?

The manual vacuum you choose for your pool will come with its own instructions. If you have any confusion, there are tons of guides online. The manufacturer can help, as well, if you reach out to them.

STAT: Robotic pool cleaners are energy-efficient, as they can save up to 94% of the energy consumed in most pressure cleaners. (source)

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