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How to Increase Vacuum Cleaner Suction

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:12 PM
How to Increase Vacuum Cleaner Suction

Learning how to increase vacuum cleaner suction can help you improve your overall efficiency in the cleaning process. Anybody who owns a vacuum cleaner will benefit from improving its performance. Plus, knowing how to service your own vacuum is beneficial to its longevity. This is true whether you have one of the best vacuum cleaners on the market or a cheaper model.


  • Performing routine maintenance by cleaning your vacuum thoroughly at least once a month is the best way to ensure strong suction power.
  • Every vacuum cleaner has a limit to the amount of power they’re able to provide, so if you’re unsatisfied even after trying a few hacks, it might be time to upgrade.
  • The leading culprits for poor suction are usually clogs, air leaks, or dirty filters.

How to Increase Vacuum Cleaner Suction

Figuring out how to increase vacuum cleaner suction is as simple as trying a few quick tricks. These are surefire ways to get your vacuum power back in full force. And talking about tricks, did you know you can make your own pool vacuum to help with cleaning and maintenance?

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Learning how to increase vacuum cleaner suction can help you improve your overall efficiency in the cleaning process.

Ways to Increase Suction Power

A few cleaning hacks out there will undoubtedly help get your vacuum back to working like new. Sometimes it’s as simple as replacing a filter or just clearing out clogs.

Check for Hose Clogs

The first thing to do is check for potential clogs in your vacuum, specifically in the hose. You can use a flashlight to check for dark lumps throughout the hose. Cleaning out clogs is a quick process that doesn’t require a whole lot of effort. Learning how to unclog a vacuum hose will save you from a lot of hassle.

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Cleaning out clogs is a quick process that doesn’t require a whole lot of effort.

Replace Dirty Filters

Making sure that your filters are clean and clear goes a long way in increasing suction power. A dirty filter is one of the biggest reasons for poor suction. Most filters are replaceable, so you’ll simply buy a new one and install it. Other vacuums might have washable filters that you can rinse off and reinstall.

Look for Air Leaks

Right alongside clogs, air leaks in the vacuum hose are a huge issue. You’ll need to detach and clean your hose thoroughly to check for any cracks or wear. Once it’s clean, reattach and run your hands along the hose any places where the air is leaking out. If there is a leak, you can either fix it or replace the hose altogether.

Clean Your Vacuum

Finally, thoroughly cleaning your vacuum is a great way to get it working like new again. Ideally, you should be cleaning your vacuum around once a month. This will keep wear and tear to a minimum and help eliminate any grime build-up that could be causing loss of power.


A dirty filter is one of the biggest reasons for poor suction.


How to fix a broken vacuum cleaner belt?

The rubber belt that is found in an upright vacuum is commonly called a vacuum cleaner belt. When this breaks, there are a few things that can happen. For example, you might notice that your beater bar isn’t working anymore. There are a few ways to remedy this, including replacing the driver belt altogether.

Are the filters and screen free of debris?

To figure out whether you’re dealing with dirty filters or not, just look inside your vacuum cleaner. You’ll want to see whether it’s a replaceable or washable filter. When you have dirty filters, you know that your vacuum isn’t performing at peak efficiency.

How to Improve the Performance of Your Vacuum Pumps?

This will be a little trickier than just improving your vacuum’s cleaning power. Checking the internal workings of your vacuum should only be done if you’re comfortable with mechanical work.

How to fix a vacuum cleaner that’s lost suction?

There are a few different ways you can do this. We’ve included some great ways to help with suction above. However, if there’s an issue like a leaky hose, those hacks won’t work until the main problem is fixed. Performing regular leak checks will help immensely with this. Learning how to fix a leaky hose will, too.

STAT: When dealing with any gas which may cause asphyxia, remember that oxygen may be displaced to a level of 16% of the gas/air mixture before symptoms appear. (source)

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