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Now more than ever, a lot of people are taking the initiative to ensure that their immediate environment stays clean and without any kind of impurities. One of the ways they are doing this is by having an air purifier in their living space. Air purifiers are a very special unit to have in the household especially if the region that you live in doesn’t have that many trees for natural air purification to occur.

The Germguardian AC4825 by Germguardian technologies is probably the best air purifier to start with if you’re constrained by a tight budget, but despite having a couple of smart features here and there, it’s certainly not the best smart air purifier around, but it could be the best air purifier for cigarette smoke if you wouldn’t want a lot of that in your car. For more models of this brand, check out our GermGuardian AC5350B review, GermGuardian CDAP5500BCA review, and our GermGuardian AC4825E review.

Why We Like It – Germ Guardian

The Germ Guardian CDAP5500BCA is a reliable HEPA air purifier that is perfect for home or office use. It features a 4 stage air purification system, so you can expect the air quality in your living or working space to drastically improve once you purchase it.

  • Affordably priced
  • Easy to Use
  • Energy Star Certification
  • No WiFi/Bluetooth Connection


Similar to the GT 3000 air purifier, the Germguardian AC4825 air purifier boasts of a much less complicated air cleaning system when compared to the Rabbit Air Minusa2 Air Purifier, since with it, the air in your room will only have to go through only 4 filtration levels compared to 6 on the Rabbit Air Minusa. Its 4-stage filtration system includes a True HEPA air filter that traps 99.7% of allergens, a pre-filter that deals with all the larger air particles in the air, an activated carbon filter that gets rid of bad odors, and UV C light technology to kill germs and airborne bacteria.


Meant for a medium-sized room size that’s no larger than 167 square feet, unlike the GreenTech air purifier which can handle 325 sq. ft., the Germguardian air purifier will be able to complete air cleaning up to 4 times an hour, thereby making sure that the air quality there remains top-notch. The unit is also Energy Star certified, meaning that it’ll be a lot more economical to maintain in terms of energy costs compared to the Airmega 400S for example.


The use of a true HEPA filter, a pre-filter, a carbon filter, and UV C light technology to clean the air doesn’t exactly make the GermGuardian CDAP5500BCA unit the most unique there is, but its support for both WiFi and Bluetooth sure does add to its list of highlights. This means you’ll be able to use your smartphone or tablet to control the unit from a distance, and since this is something that you won’t be able to do with the Bissell Air Purifier, you’ll miss out on a large range of conveniences if you go to the latter.


Traditionally, a HEPA filter would function for up to 5 to 12 months without its efficiency decreasing, but now, through connectivity to your phone, you’ll be able to know what the remaining lifetime for each filter is, and arrange to do filter replacement in good time. The HEPA filters, charcoal filter, or activated carbon pre-filter are not that expensive to buy, so maintenance shouldn’t really be an issue.


If you’ve never used an air purifier in your house before, getting around how one works and what settings to switch on could be difficult. To save you that hassle, you can just switch it to Auto mode, and it’ll be able to decide what the best settings for your specific environment are. At night, you can also have it run in sleep mode so that it continues distributing clean air without making too much noise at night. You could expect some bit of white noise but that can be easily ignored.

Germ Guardian Wrap Up

As we come to the end of this AC4835 Review, it’s important to know that the unit is a favorite of many, and continues to be one of the best air purifiers that you can get for less than $200. It’s got a comprehensive 5-year warranty coverage, and a customer support team that’s ready to attend to you in case of anything.