Rambo Bikes R750 Fat Bike Review

Brady Meyers Avatar

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Updated 11:26 pm

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What is the best electric bike for hunting? If hunting is your calling and you need the best off road electric bikes for the job, the Rambo Bikes R750 Fat Bike makes a compelling argument. Fitted with a 750W Bafang mid-drive motor, it’s got some serious power—but it’s real quiet, even when shifting. That’s also plenty of power for hauling 300 lbs of cargo, like camping equipment of game.

Why We Like It – Rambo Bikes R750 Fat Bike

With a quiet 750W mid-drive (plus power control) and 300 lbs. load capacity, the Rambo Bikes R750 Fat bike is the ideal off-road bike for hunting purposes. On the flip side, to cruise the boardwalk like a pro, read the Raleigh retroglide ie review.

  • Quiet, 750W Bafang mid-drive motor
  • 300 lbs. load capacity
  • 45 mile battery range
  • 19mph top speed
  • Seat post lacks springs and suspension

Durability & Build Quality

The Rambo Bikes R750 Fat Bike was built with 6061 aluminum alloy. It’s durable and lightweight, though not as resistant as 7005. The 26-inch Kenda fat tires have anti-puncture properties, a nice bonus for those driving over rocks and whatnot. The 770mm wide handlebars are nice and ergonomic, but the seat post lacks springs and suspension, as does the IZIP E3 Peak Plus.

Performance (Speed & Acceleration)

Speed maxes out at 19mph. However, the R750 E Bikes make up for it with its 750W mid drive electric motor that has incredible torque, punch, and quietness. You’ll easily sneak up on unsuspecting prey, with a thumb throttle for on-demand power when needed. If you are new e-bike rider, you will benefit from the information in the Rambo electric bike review.

Range & Battery

The LG 48V/10.4A is a hit or miss. With pedal assist, traveling 45 miles is a fact. Without it—using straight throttle—you’ll get 19 miles. So on average, you’re hovering around 30 miles. The Juiced RipCurrent S can confidently drive 70+ miles on a single charge.

Safety Features

The Rambo Bikes R750 Fat Bike is lacking in safety features. It doesn’t have a headlight, rear lights, or even fenders. However, the anti-puncture fat tires and two-piston hydraulic brakes make the ride naturally safer—two very important features for off-road adventures.


The Rambo Bikes R750 Fat Bike is lacking a few key features that can make it a true hunting bike, but otherwise it fits the mold as an off-road ride. However, it does appear to be a bit overpriced; the Juiced RipCurrent S is $200 and does notably better in all fields, and has a rear rack. It does not, however, have color option Truetimber Viper Western, matte black, and more, which is necessary for hunting. For strictly off-road fun, the HPC Revolution AT is where it’s at.

Rambo Bikes R750 Fat Bike Wrap Up

The Rambo Bikes R750 Fat Bike will have to drop its price or add additional features before it can truly compete. Still, 300 lb load capacity is nothing to scoff at, nor is its incredibly quiet 750W motor. And when sparingly used, you can eek out 45 miles on a single charge.