Expert Rating


Emphasizing performance above all, the Orbea Gain eBike as one of the best electric road bikes for both distance, acceleration, and stopping power. Fitted with a battery that can keep you on the road for 60+ miles on a single charge, you’ll cover plenty of ground before recharging while the rear hub motor pushes 20mph.

Why We Like It – Orbea Gain eBike

With Shimano MT200 hydraulic disc brakes that stop on a dime, and a max speed of 20mph with great acceleration, the Orbea Gain eBike excels at providing the performance you’d want to trust on the road.

  • 60+ miles on a single charge
  • Shimano MT200 brakes stop on a dime
  • Great acceleration
  • Battery can be a pain to remove

Durability & Build Quality

The Orbea Gain eBike may not look typical e bikes, but looks are deceiving. It weighs just under 32 lbs, and yet its aluminum 6000 is strong and flexible. However, Orbea Gain carbon frame road bikes are available, if that’s more your taste, or the Specialized Turbo Creo SL. Handlebars are 31.8mm Riser 640, though this changes based on size. Pedals are VP-537 Black—polymer bearing and plastic, strong but entry-level nonetheless.

Performance (Speed & Acceleration)

More than speed, the Orbea Gain eBike excels at acceleration. The rear hub motor pushes the ride up to 20mph, in mere seconds. But the Trek Domane+ can top 28mph, easily.

Range & Battery

And what is speed without distance? The battery pack can reach 60+ miles on a single charge, with the option to add a range extender for more miles. However, it can be a pain to remove the battery. The Cannondale Synapse NEO SE can travel 93 without an extender.

Safety Features

Along the top of the Airline Corsa tires are aftermarket fenders, one fitted with a rear light. At the front is a decent headlight for some nighttime riding. Best of all, the braking system incorporates a dual Shimano MT200 hydraulic disc brakes, which have great stopping power, and are easy to control and maintain.


Taking into consideration how open the Orbea Gain eBike is to customziaton, in addition to performance and design, we’d say $2999 is right around where it should be. This can be your commuter’s bike or exercise machine, especially with such a long battery charge. However, if you want something more complete, the PRODUCT might interest you.

Orbea Gain eBike Wrap Up

The Orbea Gain eBike doesn’t joke around when it comes to acceleration and distance. You’ll speed through 60 miles before you realize it, that’s how smooth the ride is. And you’ll never have a reason to distrust the Shimano MT200 hydraulic disc brakes. The battery is a pain to remove, but that’s an inconvenience, not a reason to disregard this option for commuting or exercise.