How to Check the Devices Connected to Your WiFi Router

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:13 PM
How to Check the Devices Connected to Your WiFi Router

Even if you have a premier router, you still need to manage the connected devices on your wireless network occasionally. Especially, if you use an unsecured WiFi network, knowing who’s on your connected device list is critical to keep your other active devices safe. So, if you want to know how to check the devices connected to your WiFi router, read on.


  • Device management is a necessary component of keeping your home network secure.
  • Most routers allow you to view active connections through the device software.
  • Type your router’s IP address into your internet browser and log into the device to view all your router’s current connections.

Luckily, if you want to manage devices or remove an unauthorized user from your advanced home WiFi, it isn’t too tricky. You’ll need your IP address and device info to use the advanced router settings, but you can access the devices list once you’re logged in. Keep in mind, you can access your wireless router with an ethernet cable or through a WiFi connection. That said, you need to have a computer or mobile device for direct access to your wireless router.

Insider Tip

You can identify your devices and rename them through your network screen. The custom names make your network simpler to manage.

Lastly, to take advantage of what gaming routers do, you’ll follow a similar process to use the specialized control features.

How to Identify Devices on a Router

STEP 1 Find Your Router Login Info

Like when your WiFi booster isn’t working, you want to use your router’s essential user documentation. If you don’t know your router’s IP address, you can find it in the manual or on the bottom of your device. In addition, you can find the default login for the router’s software in the user documentation.

STEP 2Enter the Router IP Address Into a Browser

Type your Router’s IP into a browser address bar to access the router software. This IP will take you to the login screen. If you’re still using the default login from the user manual, enter it here.

STEP 3Navigate Your Browser Software

Finding the device screen is slightly different depending on the router brand you use. Some brands have a network screen, device screen, or status tab.

STEP 4 Manage Devices on Your Network

You can see all of your connected devices by their IP address from the device’s screen. You can rename the devices on the router to make your network easier to manage.


Do not give your WiFi password out to strangers or people you do not fully trust. Nefarious actors can inject harmful codes and viruses into other devices on your network.


How can you protect your WiFi?

The best way to protect your WiFi network is to set a custom password. It is simple to change your password, but you’ll need to reenter the new password on all of your devices. In addition, you can set up a unique guest login if you have friends and family over to visit.

How do I access other devices connected to my wifi?

Depending on your network’s firewall, you may not be able to control other devices over the internet connection in your home. That said, you can use the advanced settings in your router to accomplish basic smart home connectivity. Lastly, you may need port forwarding to add some devices to a WiFi control scheme.

Can I see other people’s activity on my wifi?

While you can see device names and details through your network screen, you usually cannot see specific activity. That said, you can activate specialized settings like parental controls to ban certain websites.

STAT: According to a 2018 survey from the US Census Bureau, 78% of American households own a computer or laptop. (source)

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