Elevate Makes Any Desk A Standing Desk

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:59 pm

You’ve probably heard by now that you shouldn’t be sitting eight hours a day. Granted, standing eight hours a day isn’t great for you either, and you need to vary your position throughout the day. But not all of us have standing desks, or the room at work for them. Even though we have 10 of the best standing desks.

But if you want an actual piece of furniture our standing desk reviews 2018 will help.

So some crafty New Zealanders have put together Elevate, a standing desk converter that ranks as a best sit stand desk that you can take pretty much everywhere.


Elevate has a quite elegant design. The main body is essentially a ladder with notches evenly cut into it. In the bottom, you hook in the stand, forming a nice, stable base. Slot in the first part of the stand and you have a place to hook up the stand. Put in the second shelf, and you can place your laptop. It’s not only standing, it’s fully adjustable, and easy to tweak if you need to loan out your desk out.

If you need to take it with you, it’s simple to take along. Just unhook the pieces, toss them in a bag and go. And if you’re worried about affecting the Earth, don’t; Elevate is made of planet-friendly birch, so you can get your standing desk without worrying about junking your old one.

Stand In The Place Where You Work

Elevated Standing desk converter makes your regular desk a stand up one.

While the idea that “sitting is the new smoking” is just a wee bit much, the reality is you should be shifting your position pretty much constantly. So by having Elevate sitting in your bag, on your desk, or otherwise available, your one step closer to being healthier.  Or if you’re of the comparing type, you can check out our latest news and standing desk reviews.

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