How to Fix Electric Bike Batteries

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:11 PM
Fix Electric Bike Batteries

Key Takeaways:

  • User error is often the main cause of most electric bike battery damage.
  • While replacements can be DIY solutions, repairs should be left to experienced technicians.
  • Always check your user manual for the correct battery specifications when buying a replacement.

The best electric bikes can be fantastic ways to get around town. And best of all they’re relatively environmentally friendly thanks to the fact that gasoline isn’t required to power them. But if your bike starts acting funky, there’s a good chance that the battery might be to blame. Learn how to identify what might be causing your battery issues, and the proper way to replace a defective battery.

Start By Identifying the Cause of Battery Issues

It’s always better to perform routine maintenance rather than waiting for your bike to break down. But sometimes, even if you regularly service your electric bike battery, there’s always a risk of an unexpected issue arising. The first step is determining what’s causing your battery problems, as the below four scenarios are most likely.

Tip: It’s always better to perform routine maintenance rather than waiting for your bike to break down


Note that most electric bikes run on a lithium-ion battery. While these batteries are ideal because they can hold charges for longer and are relatively lightweight, one of their biggest downfalls is that this type of battery is prone to overheating. While occasional overheating won’t damage the battery, if this scenario persists, it will impact battery performance over time.

Overcharging or High-voltage

Overcharging is an easy mistake to make and happens when you leave a battery plugged into the charging port well after it’s reached full charge. When this happens, consistently, the battery will eventually lose its ability to hold a charge.

Warning: Overcharging is an easy mistake to make and happens when you leave a battery plugged into the charging port well after it’s reached full charge

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Deep Discharge

Deep discharge simply means that you’re consistently riding your bike until the battery is nearly empty. For lithium-ion batteries, when the capacity is consistently drained to the point of being five to 10% charged, this can cause the battery to malfunction.

High Discharge or Charge Current

High discharge or charge current simply means that you’re discharging large amounts of battery capacity over very short periods. This issue is commonly seen when people want to increase the bike’s acceleration. When done occasionally, it won’t impact battery performance. However, if you’re frequently engaging in high discharge, you will shorten your battery’s lifespan.

Replacing a Damaged or Defective Battery

If you’ve identified the cause of your battery issues and realized that you won’t be able to fix it by correcting user behaviors, it’s time to accept that you either need to repair or replace your battery. If a repair will correct the issue, it’s best to let a technician handle it as battery issues can be difficult to repair if you’re not experienced. Thankfully, replacing a battery is an easy task that won’t require more than a few standard tools.

Warning: If a repair will correct the issue, it’s best to let a technician handle it as battery issues can be difficult to repair if you’re not experienced

Selecting a Battery

First, you need a new battery. Ideally, look for a battery that was produced no more than six months ago. These batteries are considered new and are less likely to experience issues when you’re using them. Remember, it’s best to buy a battery from an authorized retailer so that you have access to a warranty for peace of mind.

Tip: Ideally, look for a battery that was produced no more than six months ago

Tip: it’s best to buy a battery from an authorized retailer so that you have access to a warranty for peace of mind

Battery Specs

It’s usually best to pick a battery from the same brand that’s currently powering your electric bike. However, always check your owner’s manual for the full specifications to ensure that you’re picking a battery that’s compatible with your bike.

Also, consider the design and style as some batteries are easier to replace and install than others. Usually, generic batteries that are designed to be mounted to your bike’s frame are the easiest ones to replace.

The Replacement Process

Note that the individual replacement process can vary as bike brands can have unique requirements. But in general, your experience will usually follow the below steps:

  1. Unlock the battery kit by using a key or unscrewing the bolts attached to the battery compartment.
  2. Unplug any wires that are connected to your battery.
  3. Remove any clamps that might be holding the battery in place.
  4. While holding the battery to give it support, remove it from your bike.
  5. Install the new battery and secure it with the bolts (or clamps).
  6. Once everything is securely in place, reconnect all the wires, and close the battery kit


In most cases, electric cell damage occurs due to 4 main factors: overheating; overcharging/high-voltage; deep discharge; and high discharge/charge current. (Affordable Electric Bikes)

Typically a new high-quality electric bike battery will cost anywhere between $500 to $900+ depending on the brand and capacity. (eBikes HQ)



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