What is a Good WiFi Router Speed?

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:13 PM
What is a Good WiFi Router Speed?

If you are trying to ensure that your wireless network is up to snuff, you may wonder what is a good WiFi router speed. The best routers, after all, can be impacted by a number of external factors that can, in turn, lower the speed. Keep reading to learn about proper router speeds and some tips on how to get your router in tip-top shape.


  • Routers vary wildly in Internet speed, but a good average for maximum speeds is somewhere between 100 Mbps and 1,000 Mbps.
  • If your router and Wi-Fi network are struggling, consider replacing it with a Wi-Fi 6 model or a tri-band router. Wi-Fi 6 routers are the latest standard.
  • You can also invest in a mesh network router, network extenders, or wireless booster devices. The last report is to opt for a wired connection.

Good Router Speeds

Before you should learn how to boost your router’s signal, you need to know if your router needs boosting in the first place. Routers advertise all sorts of top speeds,  from 8Mbps (megabits per second) to 1900Mbps and beyond. In most cases, however, the average speed of a standard consumer router will be anywhere from 100Mbps to 1,000Mbps.

Insider Tip

Make sure the router is placed correctly to maximize wireless signal strength.

If you want to ensure your Internet connection is at the far end of this spectrum, consider the following tips.

Get a New Router

If you really want to make sure your connection is humming along at a proper click, consider investing in a brand new router. Wi-Fi 6 routers offer drastically increased speeds over older models, as do multi-band routers if you are wondering if tri-band routers are worth it. Also, the router that you rent from your Internet service provider (ISP) will be slightly less efficient than a model you can buy from a store. This is not always the case, however, but it is something to consider.

Eliminate Dead Spots

Routers can only transmit signals so far before breaking up. If you notice any dead spots in the farther reaches of your home, nip them in the bud by investing in wireless extenders, wireless boosters, network adapters, or even mesh router networks. All of these devices will eliminate these dead spots and ensure that the entirety of your home basks in the glow of fast Internet.

Move the Router

If your router is underperforming, it could be a case of improper placement. Routers should be centrally located in the home, so opt for a living room instead of a corner bedroom. Also, routers operate more efficiently when they are relatively high up from the ground. Put your router on a countertop or bookshelf instead of near the floor. Finally, make sure the antennas are placed correctly to allow for optimum signal transmission.


Wi-Fi 6: Is it really that much faster?

Wi-Fi 6 allows for the fastest router of your dreams, as it really does offer a speedy wireless signal. While Wi-Fi 6 is not up to the standard of Ethernet cables, it is certainly faster than even a tri-band Wi-Fi network router.

What are the different types of Wi-Fi standards?

There is Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 5, Wi-Fi 6E, and a variety of slower protocols that offer a decreased Wi-Fi signal.

How to choose the best Wi-Fi router for you?

When it comes to wireless routers, the sky is the limit. You may want a Wi-Fi 6 router, for Wi-Fi speed, or one with USB ports, to add a connected device or two.

STAT: Single, dual, and tri-band refers to the frequency channels of a router. (source)

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