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What Kind of Thermostat is in a Coffee Maker?

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:13 PM
What Kind of Thermostat is in a Coffee Maker?

Suppose you’re shopping for the best coffee maker. In that case, you should understand how it works, especially the parts that monitor the boiler tank. Once you know what kind of thermostat is in a coffee maker, you can diagnose issues and better understand your coffee machine. In addition, the thermostat monitors the heating element and ensures your cup of coffee is at the ideal temperature. So, if you’d like to know what a brew thermostat is, read on.


  • A coffee maker uses a mechanical thermostat that helps regulate the brewing temperature.
  • Some models use a soldered-on thermostat, while others use a snap-disc configuration.
  • A coffee machine with a faulty thermostat will fail to brew coffee or will exceed recommended temperatures, making your coffee piping hot but under-extracted.

What Thermostat does a Coffee Maker Use

A standard drip coffee maker uses a mechanical thermostat that works alongside the thermal fuse. The thermometer regulates your brew temperature and works in tandem with the heating element. As the heating element kicks on, the thermometer opens and closes a circuit to control the temperature. Most models are a snap disc thermostat that sits directly on the heating assembly, including the heating element and heating tube or boiler.

Insider Tip

If you aren’t comfortable making repairs to coffee makers, do not hesitate to contact a professional to fix the coffee brewer components.

This system works differently in more advanced machines, so learn what an espresso machine is if you want to understand a different repair process.

What does a Coffee Maker Thermostat Do?

As the flow of power kicks on the heating component, the thermostat adjusts the temperature setting through switch positions on the circuit. This system helps guide the brewing stages and thoroughly extracts your coffee grounds in the brewing basket. In addition, the thermostat works with the thermal fuse to keep your device safe. For example, suppose your thermostat detects too great a temperature. In that case, the thermal fuse might trigger, protecting the circuit breaker and device from electronic damage.

The thermostat is a simple device that sits on the heating tube via soldering iron or snap-on design. A snap disc thermostat is an easier coffee maker repair than a soldered version, but both are replaceable.

See our guide to French press coffee maker sizes if you want a brewing process that doesn’t include a power cord.

How Do I Know if the Thermostat is Bad

A faulty thermostat is a relatively simple and common coffee maker problem. In addition, a broken thermostat is easy to diagnose, and some thermostat terminals do not require desoldering. So, what are the signs of a bad mechanical thermostat?

The clearest sign of a bad thermostat is cold coffee or a warmer plate that doesn’t keep your coffee warm. In addition, if your brew process makes a burnt coffee flavor, the thermostat isn’t regulating the high end of your brew cycle.

If your auto-drip coffee maker has any of these issues, consider contacting the manufacturer or the coffee technicians guild.


If you have a burnt coffee maker, you need to stop using it. If the thermostat or heating assembly is damaged, it is a serious electrical hazard.


What Kind Of Coffee Maker Should I Buy?

Most consumers are comfortable drinking drip-coffee machine brews. That said, you can invest in coffee shop quality machines with advanced features and built-in coffee grinders. It largely depends on how important you find your morning brew.

How To Clean A Coffee Maker?

You can wash most coffee maker enclosures with soapy water. In addition, you can clean the water lines and tanks by doing hot water brewing cycles with a descaler.

What Is A Coffee Maker?

A coffee maker is a kitchen appliance that makes a fresh brew from heated water and ground coffee beans. The majority of contemporary models are electric, with programmable settings and brew schedules.

STAT: According to a recent study from the Journal of Nutrition, 40% of male coffee drinkers consumed an average of 16oz per day. (source)

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