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Friedrich Commercial Grade Wall Air Conditioners may not be able to cool larger-sized rooms like most of its competition, but if you live in a condo or apartment it should be more than enough and you will easily see why we consider it a best through the wall air conditioner. Read on to know more and see how it compares to the best air conditioners on the market today.

Why We Like It – Friedrich Wall Air Conditioner

The Friedrich Wall Air Conditioner is an 8000 BTU unit that’s more than capable of cooling a 350 square foot room. This can be expanded if you enable the auto-air sweep function. It’s Energy-Star Certified, which is always a plus, and is on the lighter side of in-wall air conditioners. If you prefer a portable model, we recommend the Friedrich P12B Dual Hose Portable Room Air Conditioner.

  • Can Cool a Small to Medium-Sized Room
  • Lightweight
  • 24-Hour Programmable Timer
  • No Specs on High Much Moisture it Can Remove
  • No Direct EER Given
  • Not UL Listed


The Friedrich Wall Air Conditioner boasts 8000 BTUs of cooling power. Translated into room size, this is enough to cool a room of up to 350 sq ft. If you need something for a bigger room, consider the Emerson Air Conditioner. Unfortunately, there is no indication, so far, that the unit can remove moisture from the room, so be sure to consider that. For a model that can cool as well as heat a room of up to 400 sq ft., consider purchasing the Friedrich Wallmaster.

Energy Efficiency

Although there is no direct Energy Efficiency Rating given, such as with the KSTAT10-2C Keystone Air Conditioner, the unit is Energy Star Certified so we’re going to assume the EER is somewhere around 10.6. Unfortunately, the energy star certification seems to be the only one given. It would have been nice if it was at least a UL Listed product as well.


Like all the in-wall air conditioners in its class, such as the Keystone Air Conditioner, the Friedrich Air Conditioner contains a washable, antimicrobial filter that should be washed at least once a month. It’s cumbersome but a necessary inconvenience if you want the freshest air possible. And considering all air conditioners require you to do this we aren’t holding it against the Friedrich.


At 64 pounds, the Friedrich Wall Air Conditioner is comparatively light compared to its brethren. It also boasts a very sleek design and is probably one of the best-looking, quiet through-the-wall air conditioners we’ve seen so far. Customer reviews on the noise level or largely positive as well. This is to be expected though as it is a smaller unit and thus probably won’t be making too much noise.


The Friedrich Wall Air Conditioner doesn’t come with Wi-Fi, so there will be no controlling it from your phone. However, it does come with a 24-hour programmable timer for you to program exactly what time you want your unit to be working so it won’t be blowing air when you’re away at work. It also comes with an auto-air swept mode for even more cooling power throughout the room.

Friedrich Wall Air Conditioner Wrap Up

There are some drawbacks to the Friedrich Wall Air Conditioner. Most of these have to do with no direct specifications and a lack of a UL Listing. But if you’re looking for a basic in-wall air conditioner to cool a room the Friedrich Wall Air Conditioner carries enough features, and an energy-star certification, to make considering it a worthwhile endeavor.

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