FoxType Offer Politeness Extension for Proofing Work Emails

Tyler Lacoma Avatar

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Updated 10:59 pm

If you have ever sent a super awkward work email because you didn’t think enough about your phrasing, FoxType is here to help with innovative business software. This simple email tool popped up on the radar several months ago and has continued to gather interest from business employees who are sending out important messages to clients or superiors and want to strike the right note.

The easiest way to use FoxType’s politeness tool is just to type it into your typical email client, then cut out all the text and paste it into the appropriate box instead. FoxType will then run an analysis of your email based on its algorithms and database. It’s a bit like a spellcheck, but this software checks common phrases for warning signs that you are being passive aggressive, obtuse, or an outright dick.

Foxtype Suggestions
FoxType offers better ways to communicate without offending.

Then the business software provides several rewrite suggestions and well as general advice on how to create a more popular email. The best way to use the tool is to scan the suggestions and then craft a response of your own from the ideas. The politeness tool isn’t always smart and doesn’t always make sense, so you’ll have to do a little work of your own.

“That sounds like it would make a good extension,” you might be thinking, and you would be right. The endgame of the tool is a Chrome extension that you can choose to download for a free trial if you want. It helps skip a couple steps in the process, saving you time for your next workplace argument.

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