Bialetti Mini Express 2-Cup Stovetop Percolator

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:55 pm

Bialetti Mini Express 2-Cup Stovetop Percolator

Have you read the Why You Should Buy a (New) Home Espresso Machine article? We love coffee around here. The Bialetti Mini Express 2-Cup Stovetop Percolator costs just $28 and works with any stove top.  Just fill it with coffee and water, heat and within 4-5 minutes the Mini Express will percolate out two cups of Espresso coffee.  Clean up should be as simple as washing it out

Scoring a creamy cup of Espresso coffee has long meant heading to your java shop.  Course, the caveat is not only an overpriced cup of joe, but dealing with the barista that not only serves caffeine, but a healthy dose of attitude.  You know who we’re talking about.  The louder they bang the Espresso handle the worse their mood.

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