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Drip vs Siphon Coffee Maker

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:13 PM
Drip vs Siphon Coffee Maker

If you have been paying attention to coffee trends, you may wonder about the differences between a drip vs a siphon coffee maker. Siphon coffee makers are also called vacuum brewers, and they require a short process with precise variables. On the other hand, the best coffee maker using the drip method requires little effort but sometimes sacrifices flavor.


  • Traditional drip coffee makers ensure ease of use for millions of Americans every day, though the flavor of the coffee may not be as good as other methods.
  • Siphon coffee makers employ precise science to determine when to heat and cool your coffee carafe and hopper.
  • Vacuum coffee machines offer a full-bodied, full-flavored brew, while drip coffee brews result in weaker coffee.

You may notice several differences between the two styles of coffee, including the method of preparation, flavor, and ease of use. For additional information on various coffee preparations, check out the differences between a drip coffee vs an espresso maker.

The Difference Between Drip and Siphon Coffee Makers

Because of their increasing popularity, siphon devices have reentered the market as a major player. For some, they surpass standard coffee makers. However, many still use their regular coffee makers every day because they’re so convenient.

Insider Tip

If using freshly ground coffee beans, make sure to grind them to a medium coarseness (like sea salt) for both drip and siphon brewers.

A siphon coffee brewer differs from a drip model in a wide range of ways, including its coffee brewing method, taste, ease of use, and control over your cup of coffee. To learn more about different types of coffee, see our article on an espresso machine vs a coffee maker.

Brewing Method

Vacuum coffee pots work by heating water in the lower chamber called the carafe. As the heat agitates the water molecules, the liquid becomes a vapor that drifts up to the top chamber or the coffee hopper.

Then, once enough time has passed for the heat and pressure exposure to extract the flavor of the coffee, the barista turns off the heat. This process causes the water to return to liquid and pass through the paper or cloth filter. The resulting liquid is the coffee you drink.

On the other hand, drip coffee machines heat water from their water reservoir to brew coffee. The water then gets poured over the ground coffee beans and filter, causing the extracted liquid to drip down where the coffee pot catches it.

Ease of Use and Control

Drip coffee makers provide an easy-to-use option for your morning cup. The machine does all of the work for you, except grinding and measuring your beans and loading the filter. Some coffee products with a higher cost even provide these functions.

Meanwhile, the siphon brewer calls for significantly greater effort on the part of coffee enthusiasts or the coffee shop. Not only do you have to measure the water, water temperature, and coffee grounds, but you also have to turn the heat on until it vaporizes and then lowers the temperature. Once the precise time has passed of one minute and ten seconds, you turn the heat off. This brewing method gives you greater control over your cups of coffee.


A vacuum siphon brewer creates a full-flavored and full-bodied flavor in each brew. However, you should still adjust the brewing process to fit your coffee taste. Keep in mind that fresh grinds, grind size, and brewing length all affect your quality coffee.

Drip brew coffee varies greatly in taste based upon the roast used and the grind size. However, many baristas and experts believe that drip coffee has a weaker flavor overall. Additionally, your coffee maker is especially susceptible to watery and under-extracted flavors when using a coarser grind. For finer grinds, you may find your coffee is bitter and over-extracted.


The flavor of drip brew coffee often falls short of expectations, so you may want to try siphon coffee instead.


How do I make French press coffee?

To make French press coffee, pour hot water over the designated amount of coffee grounds in your French press. Let sit for three to four minutes with the plunger inside. Then, slowly depress the plunger and pour your coffee into a pitcher, cup, or another container right away.

Do I need to grind my coffee beans fresh each day?

You do not need to grind your coffee beans fresh each day, but it will enhance the flavor of your coffee in many brew methods if you do.

Can I grind my coffee beans in a blender?

You can grind coffee beans in a blender if they’re roasted. However, you need to make sure you use the right setting.

STAT: Siphon coffee has been around since the 1840s and has had several resurgences of popularity over the decades. (source)

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