What is the Difference Between an Ozone Generator and an Air Purifier?

Updated: Jul 8, 2022 4:43 PM
What is the Difference Between an Ozone Generator and an Air Purifier?

So, what is the difference between an ozone generator and an air purifier? Knowing the difference can help protect you from a range of health problems. If you’d like to protect yourself from any potential air pollutants in your home while maintaining healthy lung function, this article is for you. Spoiler alert: once finished, you’ll probably want to know what the best air purifier is for you.


  • According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, high ozone concentrations have been linked to several health concerns.
  • Public health standards point most people toward air purifier technologies that don’t heighten ozone concentrations.
  • Air purification technology that lowers household concentrations of ozone is the standard for air cleaning methods.

Comparing Ozone Generators and Air Purifiers

If you’re asking, “What is the difference between ozone generators and air purifiers?” then you’re in the right place. We’ll go over both below and talk about which one is right for you. And if you’re pitting an air purifier vs. an air cleaner, we can answer that, too.

Explaining Ozone Generators

Ozone air purifiers, like car air purifiers, also known as ozone air cleaners, clean indoor air contaminants using ozone technology. However, some studies suggest they might be more efficient as filtration systems in some cases.

Insider Tip

Look for an air purifier that contains a True HEPA filter for air clean enough to be certified by a government agency.

Benefits of Ozone Generators

There are quite a few strikes against ozone at the molecular level and beyond. But ozone generators do have some benefits attached to them:

  • The chemical composition of ozone makes it a potent disinfectant.
  • Ozone molecules break down into oxygen molecules.
  • It might be effective at producing clean environments to breathe in.

Cons of Ozone Generators

Most people don’t realize how bad ozone can be for their health. Both the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and the American Lung Association warn against the use of anything with high ozone output. The effects of ozone exposure are well known:

  • The ozone molecule doesn’t meet public health standards.
  • Ozone is a lung irritant and can make asthma worse.
  • Some people may have allergic reactions to high levels of ozone.

Explaining Air Purifiers

Air purifiers, also known as air cleaners, provide clean airflow without the harmful effects of ozone. They use the latest filtration technology to clear up any airborne contaminant that might be in your home. There are tons of different types out there, so you might want to consider different styles, like a water air purifier vs. filter style.

Benefits of Air Purifiers

A fine air purifier for asthma is a fantastic choice for those looking to follow public health standards. Here are a few reasons why:

  • An air purifier will clean your air supply of biological contaminants.
  • Air purifiers do not emit a potential lung irritant into the air.
  • They remove everything from pet dander to gaseous pollutants.** **

Cons of Air Purifiers

As with anything, air purifiers do come with a few downsides. Here is a handful of them:

  • Some air purifier manufacturers are better than others.
  • HEPA-certified air filters are crucial to delivering a better clean air delivery rate.
  • There are multiple types of air purifiers available you must sort through.

Which Choice is Better for You

In this arena, air purifier manufacturers reign supreme. While ozone technology was once highly reputed, we’ve since discovered that high levels of ozone present a serious problem. Excessive ozone exposure can lead to many issues that include irritating asthma symptoms and more. You’re always better off avoiding ozone air purification.


Excessive exposure to ozone results in multiple health problems, leading foundations like the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America to provide warnings regarding it.


What are some adverse health effects of exposure to ozone?

Excessive ozone exposure can lead to several health risks. Allergy sufferers are one group that can be highly affected. People with asthma should also avoid high amounts of ozone.

When buying an air purifier, what do I need to look out for to avoid ozone?

There are a few things you should look for:

  • Specifically targets concentrations of ozone
  • Contains HEPA-certified products
  • Lowers harmful particulate matter

Are ozone generators effective at cleaning the air?

Ozone air purification is not effective. There are multiple reasons for this, including a lack of scientific evidence. In addition, ozone-generating devices can cause even more harm when they react with indoor air pollution.

What should you do if your air purifier produces ozone?

Harsh chemical pollutants can form when indoor ozone levels are high enough, and breathing ozone by itself can cause symptoms like throat irritation. If your air purifier produces ozone, you might want to look into replacing it.

STAT: These types of air filters might theoretically remove 99.97% or more of dust, pollen, mold, and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns (µm). (source)

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