How to Put Speakers in Gaming Chair

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:11 PM
How to Put Speakers in Gaming Chair

One of the key benefits of using a modern gaming chair over a traditional office task chair is that they tend to offer integrated stereo speakers. This can drastically improve immersion during gameplay.


  • Due to the ergonomic nature of gaming chair designs, it is unlikely you will be able to physically attach a pair of stereo speakers.
  • You can, however, purchase a gaming chair with the speakers already attached to the headrest.
  • Another option is to set up speaker stands and speakers directly behind the headrest.

Can You Install Speakers on a Gaming Chair?

Most gaming chairs simply do not have the room to install a dedicated pair of stereo speakers. These chairs tend to be ergonomic in design, so every inch of space is accounted for. Don’t fret, however, as there are some alternatives to affixing speakers directly to the chair. Most modern gaming chairs are ergonomically designed. However, to get the full benefits of using this kind of gaming chair, you must sit properly.

Insider Tip

The simplest way to put speakers in a gaming chair is to purchase a model with the speakers already attached.

Useful Tips for Approximating Speakers on a Gaming Chair

Just because you likely cannot physically attach a pair of stereo speakers to the headrest of your gaming chair does not mean that you are completely out of luck in the audio department. Here are some guidelines and tips so you can approximate the same effect.

Buy a Gaming Chair With Speakers

The simplest way to put speakers in a gaming chair is to purchase a model with the speakers already attached. Gaming chairs that feature integrated stereo speakers are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer consumers added benefit. There are hundreds of gaming chairs made by well-regarded manufacturers that include built-in speakers, though the volume and bass may vary. Some of these chairs also include a dedicated subwoofer and other audio enhancement technologies. As a warning, gaming chairs with integrated speakers tend to be more expensive than models without speakers. Since most audio enhancement technologies tend to consume alot of power, this may lead to heat generation. You must try to reduce sweating when you are gaming by putting in an air conditioner.

Insider Tip

Place a pair of speaker stands or a dedicated speaker table directly behind the headrest of the chair. Adjust the speakers so that they are tilted toward your ears in the same way they would be if they were directly attached to the gaming chair.

Align Speaker Stands

You can successfully approximate the feel of having a gaming chair with built-in speakers just by properly aligning speaker stands and placing the speakers upon them. Place a pair of speaker stands or a dedicated speaker table directly behind the headrest of the chair. Adjust the speakers so that they are tilted toward your ears in the same way they would be if they were directly attached to the gaming chair. You may have to fiddle with the volume and placement until you get it right. Please note, if the speakers are close to your ears be very careful when it comes to accessing louder-than-average volumes.

Bluetooth Headphones

You can also wear a pair of high-grade Bluetooth headphones to approximate the feel of built-in speakers. Be sure to purchase headphones that will be comfortable for long gameplay sessions, with preference paid to models with minimal lag.


As a warning, gaming chairs with integrated speakers tend to be more expensive than models without speakers.


Are gaming chairs with speakers worth it?

We think so. They tend to be more expensive but they offer an improved immersive experience when it comes to gaming.

What chair with speakers should you buy?

This depends on personal preference, but we recommend taking a look at the chair’s comfort, adjustability, and spinal care features.

How long do gaming chairs last?

The overall lifespan of a gaming chair will vary from model to model, but the average lifespan is three years, with some extending anywhere from five to 12 years.

STAT: The best gaming chairs can last up to 5 years, with 2 to 3 years being the average. It depends on how often you use your chair and the quality of its materials. (source)

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