Soap Flakes’ Soap Shredder Negates Liquid Soap

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:54 pm

Soap Flakes' Soap Shredder Negates Liquid Soap

You might wanna take a second to compose yourself and block out any idea that this device is intended for sprinkling soap shavings over your salad or pasta dish.  In fact, the designer views this conceptual product from an eco friendly perspective and hence the inspiration for the design.

You see, liquid soap requires much more storage space and thus requires a larger infrastructure for transporting the product to the consumer.  Not to mention the oil implications of liquid soap, which makes it much less Eco friendly.

The “Soap Flakes”, as it’s been dubbed, shaves small flakes of soap from the bar directly into your hand for easy lathering, hopefully comparable to that of liquid soap.

There are two version: one that adheres to the wall for hand washing and one that can be held directly in the hand like a pepper mill grinder. While the latter is much more self explanatory in operation, the other is not.  As you place your hand under the dispenser, much like a soap dispenser in a public restroom, you push the lever which activates the grinder.

The design is a little out there, but we’d love to see a version that allows you to combine your used small bars of soap – the ones that are almost paper thin – such that you can draw out every last shred of cleansing power.

Soap Flakes' Soap Shredder Negates Liquid Soap
