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Whether it’s the best pool vacuum or the best robot vacuums, you’re always looking for the next best thing. What’s better than cleaning without having to lift a finger?

The iLife robot vacuum is simple and easy to operate, not to mention affordable. If you’re looking for the best robot cleaner, you’ve met your match. All you’ll need is to take a look at the iRobot braava jet 240 superior robot mop review to round out all of your cleaning needs.


The iLife robot vacuum will clean randomly, unless you select one of its cleaning modes, like dry mopping or a bristle brush. It will bounce around the room as it sees fit until the place is clean. It may gently bump into furniture, but it will find its way around. Compare the iLife with our Neato vs Roomba review to determine which robovac is best for you.

It can handle all floor types including carpet and hard floors, although it may sometimes register dark flooring as a cliff and try to go around. Despite this possible difficulty, it will provide plenty of suction for hair, dust, dirt, and bits of food. The dustbin and HEPA filter don’t need to be cleaned out after every session, either, which makes it less of a hassle than some others. Compare this vacuum with our Samsung Robot Vacuum review for another high quality vacuum.

Battery life on the iLife robot vacuum is impressive. The li-ion battery can last 140 minutes without a charge. It’s perfect for large rooms because it won’t need to pause in the middle of its cycle. It doesn’t have mapping abilities, so sometimes it may have trouble finding its dock, but you can always help it out. You might want to clean your hard floors with a super-thin 1300pa strong suction robovac, for a great option to look at, read our Anker Eufy RoboVac review.


The iLife robot vacuum is smaller than a lot of other robot vacuums on the market, thanks to its no-frills design. The lack of advanced technology like mapping means you get a smaller unit that squeezes easier into tight spaces. In need of an advanced robot with dry sweeping and wet mopping cleaning modes? Click the irobot braava 380t advanced robot mop review.

It’s a neutral dark gray color with an Autostart button on top. Infrared sensors on the front bumper keep it from plowing into furniture or dropping down the stairs. At the back of the unit is the dustbin, and on the sides are a charging port and a power switch, with a water tank.

A swivel wheel, drop sensors, two treads, two spinning brushes, the main brush, and charging contacts are on the underside of the unit. The box comes with some spare parts, a remote control, and a charging dock.

The remote control features directional buttons to steer the vacuum, and a Max button for deep carpet cleans. The Clean button in the middle starts a clean, and there are also buttons for edge cleaning and spot cleaning.


Most robot vacuums cost quite a bit of money, especially if you want Wi-Fi, integrations with Google Home or Alexa, mapping, navigation, and more. However, for the ability to schedule cleans, drive the vacuum where you want it to go, wet mopping, and a spot cleaning mode, the iLife robot vacuum boasts fantastic value.

This unit is much like its other models, such as the iLife v5s robotic vacuum cleaner with water tank mop and the iLife v3s pro. Our reviews can tell you more.


If you’re looking for an affordable solution to keeping your home clean without all the work, check out the iLife robotic vacuum cleaner. The price point is much lower than many other robot vacuum cleaners on the market and it still comes with plenty of features to keep you happy without having to do much at all.