Godefroy Color Tint Kit Review

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Updated 11:25 pm

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Whether you’re just starting in the world of beard dying or are an old pro, there’s nothing wrong with picking a dye that’s easy to use with the capsule and the range of colors.  Because we like the fact that you get as many as 20 applications per package ranging in shade from natural black to light brown. Do be sure to consider all your options by checking out our best beard dye options. Ask the old pros and they will tell you why this is among the top bathroom essentials to have.

Why We Like It – Godefroy Color Tint Kit

If you struggle with traditional dyes that irritate your skin, this natural ingredient-based option is the best beard dye for sensitive skin, with an included tinting brush and featuring premeasured capsules to dye your hair without irritating your skin. Talking about the best bathroom products, one of the best faucets for single-hole or 3-hole assembly is the one in the faucet single handle bathroom assembly 567lf pp review. This faucet will help you conserve water as you rinse off the hair and facial cleansing products.

  • No ammonia
  • Pre-measured capsules
  • Tinting brush included
  • Not safe for all hair


Instead of the more fluid mix of the Just Men Mustache Brush Packaging you’ll have and almost fome to apply to your hair, it’s because of this it’s easy both to clean up and why despite a safer product being available people have succeeded in using the Godefroy Color Tint Kit to dye their eyebrows. It does mix with your current hair color so if you have a natural black and are trying to lighter, say medium brown you will need to use a third party base. While not wholly organic like the Grizzly Mountain Beard Dye Organic the Godefroy Color Tint Kit shares the feature of not being hard on your skin thus making it not inche or damage your scalp.


The capsules the dye comes in make it far easier than the tube of dye the REFECTOCIL Natural Liquid Oxidant Mixing, after that it does bear some resemblance to every other dye option.


It’ll run you less than the Blackbeard Men Formula Brush Mustache and while you can use it on your facial hair it is also made for the hair on your head and your sideburns so you’ll always be able to get a dark brown to almost any hair.

Godefroy Color Tint Kit Wrap Up

It’s cheaper than the most expensive of its compassion and while some might call the pills a gimmick the reviews show that the people at large do love the simplicity that they add with a 4.5 on amazon.