What is Office Chair Blood Flow?

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:11 PM
Best Office Chair for Blood Flow

Many people work in an office environment where they sit at a desk for extended periods. However, we know that sitting for long periods without taking periodic breaks can be a problem for our health. But along with all that sitting, poor posture — especially in your legs — can impede blood flow and increase the risk for circulatory issues. Learning how to maintain proper posture can help to eliminate those risks and reduce aches and pains over time. Keep reading to learn what is office chair bloof flow.


  • Pick a chair with a waterfall seat edge to minimize pressure on the back of your legs
  • Sit in a neutral position where your back is flush with the backrest of the seat
  • Avoid sitting with your legs folded under you or crossed to prevent impacting blood flow

Ergonomics and Office Chair Blood Flow

Hands down, one of the best things you can do to maintain proper circulation when you’re seated is to pick a chair with proper ergonomic support. Specifically, you want a chair with a seat that features a waterfall edge. This is designed to reduce the amount of pressure placed on the back of your legs — a situation that can impact blood flow in your legs. If you have an old PU leather chair then you should repair your PU leather office chair as it works well to improve blood flow.

Pay Attention to the Seat

Along with a waterfall edge, your seat should be wide enough so that your legs can comfortably sit, side by side, without feeling pinched. Additionally, take advantage of the seat height adjustments so that you’re sitting comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and your legs bent at a comfortable 90-degree angle. You should know your office chair seat height if you wish to have a comfortable seating experience that improves your blood flow.

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Posture Matters

Along with picking a chair that allows you to make necessary adjustments, the way you sit can also impact blood flow. You should have a chair that offers built-in lumbar support. But even with that feature, you need to sit in a neutral position so that your back is naturally straight, and especially so that your lower back is flush with the back of your office chair.

Keep Your Legs Down

As tempting as it might be to sit with your legs folded under you or crossed, don’t do it. Your feet should be comfortably flat against the floor. If they’re dangling off the edge of the seat this can create poor blood flow and over time, encourage swelling or varicose veins.

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Take a Break from Sitting

Posture and a proper chair are important. But sitting for extended periods is bad for you all around. Along with the mini-break it provides, taking breaks to stand up and walk around also helps to get your heart pumping and the blood flowing. The activity can also help to prevent blood from pooling in your legs.


Can a chair cut off circulation?

Yes, a chair can cut off circulation if it places too much pressure on the back of your legs. This is especially true if you’re sitting for extended periods.

How can I improve circulation at my desk?

A few good ways to improve circulation would be to invest in a standing desk and to take periodic standing or walking breaks throughout the day.

How should you sit in an office chair?

You should sit so that your feet are flat on the floor with your knees in line or slightly lower than your hips. You should maintain proper posture so that your spine maintains its natural curve with your chair at a 100 to 110-degree angle.

STAT: Sitting for prolonged periods, especially without proper posture, fatigues the muscles and compresses the blood vessels responsible for supplying the muscles with blood. (source)

Certain sitting positions may also reduce blood flow, according to a 2015 study Diagnosis A doctor can diagnose circulation problems and any underlying issues that may be causing them. (source)

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