The Back To The Future iPad Case Won’t Tell You The Future But It Will Protect Your Tablet

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:57 pm

The Back To The Future iPad Case

This must be the best iPad case ever.

Remember that scene in Back to the Future 2 when Marty buys that Sports Almanac? Bet every time you see that scene you wish you had that very book in your hands to bank on your future like Old Biff did with the knowledge of the past…we know we do! Although it won’t change your future, the Back to the Future iPad case will protect your device from anything bad happening to it. The cover looks exactly like the  Grays Sports Almanac that was featured in the second film. Your iPad will be safely wedged inside so that you can at least check the actual results of all the sports games going on right now or in the past (sorry, no present ones available to help you change you future). The case is a limited edition item at Firebox and is compatible with the iPad 2 and up for $31.49. There’s no rear-facing camera holes on the case, but the nicely padded authentic recreation of Biff’s stolen book of destiny won’t let anything bad happen in the future to your iPad.

The Back To The Future iPad Case

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