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Auto Locking Computer Proximity Sensor

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:53 pm

TF2000 Proximity SensorIf you often fall victim to coworker computer harassment (aka they IM your girlfriend and say utterly unbelievable things) then remember to lock your computer when you leave your desk.  The TF2000 Proximity sensor does all the heavy lifting  remembering for you by automatically locking your computer when you walk away.  It’s a super basic proximity sensor, so don’t expect it to recognize your face; you’ll still have to punch in your password to get back to your web surfing.  I am sure it could get annoying as it probably has a tendency to autolock when you don’t want it to, but the included software, which also tracks keystrokes while locked, allows you to adjust its sensitivity.

Purchase info here and expect to drop around $85.

[Ubergizmo via Ohgizmo]