The X-Cap Adds A Self Closing Lens Cap to Almost Any Mirrorless Camera (video)

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:56 pm

The X-Cap Adds A Self Closing Lens Cap to Almost Any Mirrorless Camera (video)

Mirrorless cameras might provide superior image quality over their point and shoot variants. But unlike their smaller brethren, they often don’t sport an automatic lens cover, which can prevent dust, debris, and fingerprints from accessing the lens when not in use.


The X-Cap resolves this quandary. Snap it into place, turn on the camera, and the cap’s shutter door opens automatically. Shut it down, and it closes. In theory, you’ll never have to remember where the lens cap is, or worry about losing it – perfect for the absent minded photog.

We’re not sure what triggers the action, but in all the of the video demonstrations the cameras have zoom lenses that extend from the body when powered up. So logically, the X-Cap won’t work with lenses that are fixed, or don’t extend from the camera’s body when the camera’s power is turned on.

No word on a price, but the Taiwanese maker says we can expect it sometime in August.

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