Screen Innovations 5-Series Motorized 115″ Projector Screen Video Review: Fixed Don’t Mean Neutered

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 6:56 pm

Expert Rating


With a 16:9 aspect ratio, 1.2 gain, and a fine slate-grey finish, the Screen Innovations 5 Series motorized 115” projector screen is a motorized, drop-down projector screen that works best when mounted on the ceiling in a room with little to no through-traffic. While very secure and sturdy, a breeze or someone walking near it can cause the screen to move and tremble. Despite this one drawback, it could be considered one of the best projector screens for theater-quality movies at home. Keep in mind that a homemade projector won’t work with this screen—you need a high-end projector to really get the most out of it.

Most top projector screens do best when paired with a top-rated projector like the Sony VPL HW40ES projector or the OKCOO native 1080p video projector, a mid-range projector. Just remember to maintain the screen and any of the leading projectors that you buy, which means you need to know how to dispose of the projector lamps correctly.

The Screen Innovations 5 Series motorized 115” projector screen will cost you a pretty penny: $4305. But for high-quality, cinematic viewing in your own home? We think it’s worth the price.

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