Wiss Auto-Retracting Utility Knife Saves Fingers (video)

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:55 pm

Wiss Auto-Retracting Utility Knife Saves Fingers (video)

Needless to say, lopping off a finger while tearing into a package is never a good thing.  The result is usually a drive to the ER and an ice bath for the severed digit.  Okay, so that predicament is a bit rare, but for anyone tearing into boxes on the regular, you’ll definitely wanna have a close look at the Wiss Utility Box knife that automatically retracts its blade when the cut is complete. But if you’re looking for a knife that can inflict serious, permanent and perhaps deadly damage, take a look at the Jagdkommando integral tri-dagger fixed blade knife.


It doesn’t use any special sensors or robotic mechanics.  Inside is a special mechanism comprised largely of a spring.  When it senses that the blade no longer has pressure against it, it automatically retracts back inside of the handle.  Think of it as the opposite of a switch blade.  Other than that, the Wiss works like any other utility knife and seems to use standard utility blades.

So how much would you expect to pay for this?  Believe it or not, it sells for just $20, which is probably on par with other box cutters.

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