Thrustmaster F1 Replica Racing Wheel

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:55 pm

Thrustmaster F1 Replica Racing Wheel

Thrustmaster must have been listening to us when we suggested that someone should convert this replica F1 steering wheel into a gaming peripheral.

Yesterday, they announced the Ferrari F1 Wheel Add-On.  This replica, and supposedly to scale wheel is compatible with T500 RS base.  Just remove your old wheel, and within seconds you can apparently pop on the same steering wheel found in the Ferrari 150° Italia allowing you to experience a new sense of gaming realism.

Features include a wide array of knobs and switches that allow you to adjust your settings on the fly, much like a real world F1 driver.  There are two rotary encoder switches (allowing direct, on-the-track optimization of the car’s race settings), eight push-buttons (with a 6.5 N dual-detent pressure), three 4.5 N metal switches with 3 positions and an automatic centering feature, two 2.5 N 8-directional D-Pads and two up/down shifter finished with a nonslip rubber grip.

In terms of compatibility, Thrustmaster designed two game modes: one for the PC and one for the PS3.  The PS3 mode enables 13 action buttons and 3 D-Pads with a total of 17 programmable buttons.  The PC mode, which is more advanced, provides 25 action buttons and 1 D-Pad with 29 programmable functions.

Unfortunately, Xbox 360 owners will be left out in the cold, as this F1 wheel is compatible with the PC and PS3 only.

The Ferrari F1 wheel from Thrustmaster will go on sale late October for $199.99.  A firmware update is required to make theT500 RS compatible.

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