The Zona Plus Hypertension Relief Device Is A Hand Grip Tool That Will Lower Your Blood Pressure

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:54 pm

Zona Blood Pressure

Here in the good old U.S of A, we have a long history of prescribing medicine before an alternative solution is sought.  In fact, preventative practices is relatively low on the list of priorities for most Americans, which can largely be attributed to the overwhelming level of obesity in this country. For more of your home care needs, take a look at the best wheel chair.

The Zona Plus Hypertension Relief Device is an unusual piece of kit that uses no medication or needles to reduce blood pressure. Just a bit of science wizardry and that thing most of us hate; exercise.  You just grip the device as tight as possible and follow the onscreen instructions.  The built-in pressure sensing system will tell you if you need to squeeze harder or loosen your grip, and a set of audible queues will assist in the whole process.  According to the maker using it for 12 minutes a day, 5 days a week will reduce your blood pressure – how much probably depends on how long you use it. If you want to make sure your blood pressure stays low, read our Withings scale review too.

Hammacher and an Amazon currently sells it for $380, which ain’t cheap, but if come on, it’s your health we’re talking about.
