Dyson’s Airblade Tap Washes and Dries Hands From the Same Faucet (video)

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:56 pm

Dyson's Airblade Tap Washes and Dries Hands From the Same Faucet (video)

Dyson’s newest product, the Airblade Tap, may not be the most aesthetically pleasing of products, but boy it’s exciting, at least relatively speaking to bathroom technology. If you want to make sure that this is mounted correctly in your room, take a look at our Black and Decker sure grip laser level too.

Utilizing the company’s Airblade technology, as previously seen in their fans and heaters, they’ve managed to create a faucet that both washes and dries, yes dries hands.

Traditional taps wash your hands, but they don’t dry them.  As a result water is dripped all over the place, and if you’re not one to wash your hand towels with regularity, there is a good chance you’re adding filth back to your once clean hands.  The Dyson Airblade faucet includes a built-in hand dryer that blows hands dry within 14 seconds, or so the company claims.  Two sets of infrared sensors are used to detect when you’re washing your hands versus drying them.  Those concerned about germs, fear not, for they’ve included a HEPA filter, which means you aren’t shooting germs back onto your skin’s surface.


By many accounts, the Dyson Airblade Faucet seems even more hygienic than the company’s restaurant ready hand dryer.  You know the one; you stick your hands into a gap and slowly remove them.  However, if you aren’t steady handed, you could very well touch the edges, which would have any germaphobe running back to the sink for a scrub.  The Airblade Faucet negates this drawback while also eliminating water spillage.   Furthermore, the Airblade Faucet is small enough, and practical enough to fit into a home’s bathroom or kitchen sink.  And while the cost saving benefits are negligible for home use, Dyson says public bathrooms could save as much as $1,460 a year, and possibly negate a law suit or two from a fallen patron.