AmazonBasics Upholstered, Low-Back, Adjustable, Swivel Office Desk Chair Review

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Updated 11:26 pm

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This AmazonBasics desk chair is a low back adjustable swivel office desk chair that doesn’t come with too many bells and whistles, but still maintains a nice, elegant look. The swivel office computer chair consists of an almost joint backrest and seat cushion, but it doesn’t come with a headrest. The swivel computer office desk chair is also armless, and quite frankly, we think that it’s one of the best armless office chairs for buyers who are on a tight budget. It’s the kind of task chair that you will want to get especially if you want to set up your home office furniture, and also being a mesh chair you might find it to be very comfortable to use under hot weather conditions.

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Why We Like It – AmazonBasics Upholstered, Low-Back, Adjustable, Swivel Office Desk Chair

The AmazonBasics Upholstered, Low-Back, Adjustable, Swivel Office Desk Chair is one of those office chairs that will look good with generally any other office furniture, and is only available in the color black. This armless office chair comes with a mesh back, and like many home office desk chairs, it has smooth rolling casters for easy movement across soft or carpet floors.

  • Easy to assemble
  • Well padded seat cushion
  • Backed by AmazonBasics 1 Year Limited Warranty
  • No massage feature


The AmazonBasics low back upholstered mesh chair comes with a padded seat, and this allows it to offer a degree of comfort that is just enough for you to be comfortable enough to get your work done. The mesh back chair unfortunately doesn’t offer much in terms of back support, so you will need to be very careful about buying it if you tend to suffer from back pains every now and then. This mesh adjustable swivel computer chair isn’t really the best executive chair or gaming chair either because of the lack of back support, but the height adjustable swivel chair will work just fine in a home office setting. The Flash Furniture Mid-Back swivel office chair on the other hand offers much better back support, so don’t hesitate to look into it if back support is something that you need taken care of.


Comfort-wise, this AmazonBasics low back computer chair is contoured according to the shape of your back, and as a low back chair, this is done to give a sense of sitting back onto it, and be a lot more comfortable. The low back adjustable computer desk chair is not as padded as other AmazonBasics Leather Mid-Back Office Chairs are considered to be, but the swivel office desk chair is pretty ergonomic, and just like the Ergonomic Office Chair Desk Chair, the mesh mid back chair allows for a significant amount of adjustments to be made to it.


To make sure that you get to be as comfortable as you need to, the AmazonBasics mid back black mesh computer chair allows for an adjustable height range for the seat’s height that’s between 34.6 to 37.8 inches high. The low back adjustable chair also has a tilt tension control knob under the seat cushion, and this helps regulate the amount of force you’ll need to recline the seat back. The adjustable office chair allows for pneumatic seat height adjustment, as well as a full 360-degree swivel which is great for reaching out for other things, and ranks it among the best office chairs you can get today.


This AmazonBasics low back office computer desk chair scores major points in regards to its adjustability, and this is one of the many little things that make it a more preferable choice over a leather ergonomic desk chair. It’s backrest allows for the low back adjustable swivel chair to keep its user cool, and although the fabric upholstery isn’t as light of a material as what you’ll find on other AmazonBasics mesh chairs, it’s still not as warm as any AmazonBasics leather padded chairs.


A weight capacity of 250 pounds means that this AmazonBasics low back adjustable swivel will easily accommodate the weight of an average human being, so if you’re of normal build, then this chair will have no issues with you. Unlike most office products, the low back adjustable swivel office chair also comes with a 1 year limited warranty, so you should feel pretty confident about its build quality. The upholstered mesh adjustable swivel chair also doesn’t take that much time to put together, so you should be able to do it without the help of a second person.

AmazonBasics Upholstered, Low-Back, Adjustable, Swivel Office Desk Chair Wrap Up

Despite the lack of armrests, the AmazonBasics adjustable swivel office desk & low back office chair is more than capable of keeping you comfortable and secure as you continue with your work, and this is why we think that it’s one of the best desk chairs around. Even though it is not a high back office chair, it has a nice solid base of 5 smooth rolling caster wheels that should be great for you to use.